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EBENEZER EMMONS Pl 1. Brand in Serials Brand in Serials, Fig 1 - 24 Urede sitophila Dittmar. Fig 23 - 26 Urede Avenae. Corda 1849Lithograph, UncoloredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 10 Wood StructureFig. 1. Transverse section of the Walnut or Hickory. An interrupted single circle oflarge pores marks the commencement of growth of the wood. The interrupted belts...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 11 Wood StructureFigs. 4, 5, 6. Sections of the Red Cedar.Figs. 7, S, 9. Sections of the Norway Pine.Fig. 7. BLACK OAK. The three sections correspond to those...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 12 Wood StructureFigs. 1, 2, 3. BUTTON-WOOD (Plalanus occidentalis). Sections corresponding to those already noticed.Fig. 4. BEECH. Transverse section. The dark belt shows the singular structure of the...
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EBENEZER EMMONSPl 13 Wood StructureFig. 1. Melia azedarrch. Section magnified four diameters, containing both bark and wood.Fig. 2. Section of the potato, showing its structure in a healthy state. The...
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EBENEZER EMMONSPl 14 Wood StructureFig. 1. Transverse section of the CANADA BALSAM.Fig. 2. Section parallel to the medullary rays, showing the dotted tissue in a medullary ray.Fig. 3. Section perpendicular...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 2. Brand in CerealsBrand in Cereals, Fig 1 - 8 Urede segetum Pers. Fig 9 Urede graeminis Pers1849Lithograph, UncoloredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG-...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 3. Brand in SerialsUredo Maydis, Uredo Destruens, Cladosporium Herbarum, Seplosporium, Hymenuta Clavus1849Lithograph, UncoloredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG- condition with light foxing, toning to...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 8 Wood StructureFig. 1. Chessnyt Fig. 2. White Elm.Fig. 3. Bass-worm (Tilia ame'rz'cana).Fif. 4. PAWPAW (Asimz'na triloba).Fig. 5. CHINQUAPIN OAK.1849Lithograph, UncoloredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 9 Wood StructureFig. 1. Transverse section of a portion of two adjacent annual layers of the POPLAR(Populus tremuloides).Fig. 2. Section perpendicular to the medullary rays.Fig. 3. Section parallel...
Skeleton of Turkey Bird Print 1809 George Shaw Original Engraving. Issued: Zoological Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution in the Years 1806 and 1807 by George Shaw. Pub. 1809. Issued...