REV J L BLAKEChina Pink FlowerChina Pink1830Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 7 x 4.25 inchesPublisher: Crocker & Brewster, BostonVG+ condition with age toningRev J L Blake
REV J L BLAKEClove Carnation FlowerClove Carnation1830Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 7 x 4.25 inchesPublisher: Crocker & Brewster, BostonVG+ condition with age toningRev J L Blake
REV J L BLAKEConvolvulus FlowerConvolvulus1830Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 7 x 4.25 inchesPublisher: Crocker & Brewster, BostonVG+ condition with age toningRev J L Blake
REV J L BLAKEFox Glove FlowerFox Glove1830Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 7 x 4.25 inchesPublisher: Crocker & Brewster, BostonVG+ condition with age toningRev J L Blake
Botany Plate 20FungiFIG. 1. AgaricFig. 2. BoletusFIG. 3. HydnumFig. 4. PhallusFig. 5. HelvellaFig. 6. ClathrusFig. 7. PezizaFig. 8. ClawariaFig. 9. LycoperdonFig. 10. Mucor1834Engraving, UncoloredSheet Size 10.8 x 8.4 inchesPublisher: Samuel...
Conchology Plate 27Order UnivalveGenus Murex, TrochusFig. 1. Murer muricatus, LINN. LAM.Fig. 2. Murea haustellum, LINN. LAM.Fig. 3. Murer longicaudus, LINN. Fusus longicaudus, LAM.FIG. 4. Trochus niloticus, LINN. LAM.Fig. 5, 6....
Crustacea Plate 9Genus CancerFig. 1. Cancer depressus, LINN. Plagusia depressa, Cuv.Fig. 2. Cancer variegatus? LINN. Palinurus quadricornis,Cuv. FIG. 3. Cancer personatus, LINN. Corystes personatus, Cuv1834Engraving, UncoloredSheet Size 10.8 x 8.4...
Vermes Plate 10Order ZoophytesGenus TubulariaFig. 1. Cancer depressus, LINN. Plagusia depressa, Cuv.Fig. 2. Cancer variegatus? LINN. Palinurus quadricornis,Cuv. FIG. 3. Cancer personatus, LINN. Corystes personatus, Cuv1834Engraving, UncoloredSheet Size 10.8 x...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 10 Wood StructureFig. 1. Transverse section of the Walnut or Hickory. An interrupted single circle oflarge pores marks the commencement of growth of the wood. The interrupted belts...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 11 Wood StructureFigs. 4, 5, 6. Sections of the Red Cedar.Figs. 7, S, 9. Sections of the Norway Pine.Fig. 7. BLACK OAK. The three sections correspond to those...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 12 Wood StructureFigs. 1, 2, 3. BUTTON-WOOD (Plalanus occidentalis). Sections corresponding to those already noticed.Fig. 4. BEECH. Transverse section. The dark belt shows the singular structure of the...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 2 b. Carter, Burr Flesh Colour1 Carter2 Burr Flesh Colour1849Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG- condition with foxing or staining to right...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 2. Brand in CerealsBrand in Cereals, Fig 1 - 8 Urede segetum Pers. Fig 9 Urede graeminis Pers1849Lithograph, UncoloredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG-...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 3. Brand in SerialsUredo Maydis, Uredo Destruens, Cladosporium Herbarum, Seplosporium, Hymenuta Clavus1849Lithograph, UncoloredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG- condition with light foxing, toning to...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 49 Carrot & BeetFig. I. Section of Carrot. Orange Carrot, showing the structure of its root by a tranverse section.Fig. 2. Section of the Beet Root. a, longitudinal...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 54 Black Tantain OatBlack Tantain Oat1849Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG+ condition with toning to marginsPrintMakerEbenezer Emmons (May 16, 1799 October 1,...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 8 Wood StructureFig. 1. Chessnyt Fig. 2. White Elm.Fig. 3. Bass-worm (Tilia ame'rz'cana).Fif. 4. PAWPAW (Asimz'na triloba).Fig. 5. CHINQUAPIN OAK.1849Lithograph, UncoloredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van...
EBENEZER EMMONSPl 9 Wood StructureFig. 1. Transverse section of a portion of two adjacent annual layers of the POPLAR(Populus tremuloides).Fig. 2. Section perpendicular to the medullary rays.Fig. 3. Section parallel...
FREDERICK GRANT GLEASON Birds Eye View of the city of Havana Cuba (Subject Ref: Wikipedia) 1854Engraving, UncoloredSheet Size 15 x 11 inchesPublisher: Frederick Gleason, BostonVG condition with Age toning, text...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 1 - Pimpla lunatorPLATE 1. Fig 1. Pimpla lunator (male). (parasitic wasp) 2. Female perforating the trunk of a tree. S. Female at rest. 4. Male at rest....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 10 - Ground BeetlesPLATE 10. Fig. 1. Rhagium lineatum. 2. Necrophobia tomentosus. 3. Tenebrio molitok. 4. abeoda lanioeba. 5. scabites. 6. Pel'idnota punctata. 7. Pangus caliginosus. 8. Calosoma...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 12 - Scarab BeetlesPLATE 12. Pig. 1. Geotrupes. 2. geotrupes microphague. 3. geotrupes splendens. 4. Cetonia fulgida. 5. PHANNUS carnipex. 6. Cetonia inda. 7. Lucanus dama (male). 8....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 13 - TreehoppersPLATE 13.1854Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG condition with light soiling to platePrintMakerEbenezer Emmons (May 16, 1799 October 1, 1863),...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 14 - Leaf BeetlesPLATE 14. Fig. 1. Chrysomela immaculata? 2. Chrysomela. 3. Chrysomela. 4. Galeruca. 5. Chrysomela tremula. 6. 7, 8, 9. Larva and pupa. 10. Chrysomela scalaris....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 16 - Southern Pine SawyerPLATE 16. Fig. 1. Saperda oalcarata. 2. monochamus. 3. Saperda Candida. 4. Purpuricenus HUMERALIS. 5. monochamus titillator. 6. desmocerus palliatus. 7. Saperda tripunctata. 8....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 17 - Tiger BeetlePLATE 17. Fig. 1. Cicindela ALBOHIRTA. 2. Cicindela GENEROSA. 3. Cicindela 12-GUTTATA. 4. Cicindela PATRUELA. 5. Cicindela HjEMORRIIOIDALIS. 6. Cicindela CAMrESTRIS. 7. Cicindela GUTTATA. 8....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 18 - Ground BeetlePlate 18. Lebia Viridis. Lebia Atrivirens. Lebia Smaragdula. Brachinus Cephalotes. B. Conformis. B. Fumans. B. Perplexus. Agonum Octopunctata. A. Cupripenne. Anchomenus Extensicollis. Clivina Lineolata. Galerita...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 19 - Ground BeetlePLATE 19. Fig. 1. PCECILLUS CHALCITES. 2. pcecillus lucublanda. 3. Feronia stygica. 4. Feronia adoxa. 5. Agoniderus pallipes. G. Anisodactylus baltimorius. 7. Trechus conjunctus. 8....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 2 - WeevilsPLATE 2. Fig. 1. Oalandra granarta. 2, 2 a, 2 6, 2 c. Sylvanus sbrinamensis. 3, 8 a, 3 J, 3 c. Bruohus pisr. 4, 4...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 20 - Ground & Water BeetlesPLATE 20.1854Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG condition with light soiling to platePrintMakerEbenezer Emmons (May 16, 1799...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 23 - Bark and Ambrosia BeetlesPLATE 23. Fig. 1. NlTlDULA BIPUSTULATA. 2. Engis fasciata. 3. Ips sangcinolenta. 4. Ips fasciata. 5. Dermestes lardarius. 6. Ips quadrisignata. 7. Parnus...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 24 - Hide BeetlesPLATE 24. Fig. 1. Trox capillaris. 2. Cremastocheilus hentzii. 8. Trox porcatus. 4. hoplia trifabciata. 5. TkICHINUS VIRIDANS. 6. EUCHLORA COSLEBS. 7. RHISOTROGUS AKOROlANlCA. 8....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 27 - WaspsPLATE 27. Fig. 1. Xylocarpa virginica. 2, ccelioxis annularis. 3. Ophion glabratus. 4. Ophion mundus. 5. Ophion macrurum. 6. Ophion purgatus. 7. Ichneumon 8. PlMPLA 9....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 28 - Assassin FliesPLATE 28. Fig. 1. Syrphus philadelphicits. 2. Undescribed ? 3. MlLESIA VIRGINIENSIS. 4. Undescribed ? 5. Laphira thoracica. 6. Laphira tergissa. 7. Mxtsca (Cahphora) yomitoria....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 29 - Crane FliesPLATE 29. 1.Leptis ornata? 2. Tabancs lineola? 3. Laphira (undescribed) 4. Leptis quadrata. 5. Ctenophora trimacitlata (female) 6. Syrphus 7. Aphis of the Peach leaf....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 31 - Scarab BeetlePLATE 31.1854Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG condition with light soiling to platePrintMakerEbenezer Emmons (May 16, 1799 October 1,...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 32 - Wood WaspPLATE 32.Tremex Columba (female). Tremex (male). Urocerus Albicornis. Myrmeleon (antlion). Larva of the antlion, upperside. Larva of the antlion, underside, etc. Phryganea Semifasciata. Hesperia Peckius....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 33 - Admiral ButterflyPLATE 33.Limenitis Ursula. Underside of the same. Hipparchia Nephele. Hipparchia Alope. Ithycerus Noveboracensis.1854Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van Benthuysen, AlbanyVG condition...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 34 - Long Horned BeetlePLATE 34. Fig. 1. PoDABBUS MODESTUS. 2. STENOCOBUS CINCTUS. 3. Telephobus. 4. sapebda vestita. 5. PfilONUS LATIOOLLIS. 6. Sapebda tbidenta. 7. Sapebda. 8. monochamtjs...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 35 - Orange Sulphur ButterflyPLATE 35. Fig. 1. COLIAS PHILODICE. 2. Ditto, lower side (female). 3. VANESSA INTERROGATIONS. 4. Coliab philodice (male). 5. Vanessa interroqationis. 6. Pieris nicippe...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 36 - Silk MothPLATE 36. Fig. 1. Dryocampa pellucida (female). 2. Phalaena quercaria (female). 3. Dryocampa pelluoida (male). 4. Phalaena quercaria (male). A. Pupa of Dryocampa. B. Pupa...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 37 - Tussock MothsPLATE 37. Fig. 1. Phalaena (Orgyia) leucostigma (male). A, b. Pupa. C. Female. F. Caterpillar. 2. Phalaena nedstria (female). 3. Phaiaena (Pyg-era) albifrons (male). 4....
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 4 - Hessian FlyPLATE 4. Figs. 1 & 2. Cecidomyia destructor (male and female). A. Segments of the abdomen. B, c. Antennae magnified. D, e. The same, natural...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 40 - Sphinx MothPLATE 40. Fig- 1 Sphinx Brontes 2. Geometra Argentata 3. Glaucopis Pholus 4. Smerinthus Astylus 5. Dryocampa Virginiesnis 6. Geometra Serrata. 7 Dryocampa Imperialis1854Lithograph, Hand...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 41 - MothsPLATE 41.Phalaena Dione, Spilosoma Acraea male, Spilosoma Arge, Phalaena Dione (vel Arctia Virgo), Spilosoma Acraea, Caterpillar of Phalaena Dione, Spilosoma Cunea, Pupa of Phalaena Dione, Spilosoma...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 44 - Atlas MothPLATE 44. Fig. 1. ATTACUS POLYPHEMUS. 2. Sphinx (Philampilus?) pampinatrix. 3. Catocala amasia. 4. Attacus oecropia.1854Lithograph, Hand ColoredSheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inchesPublisher: C Van...
EBENEZER EMMONSPlate 45 - Pandora Sphinx MothPLATE 45. Fig. 1. CLISIOCAMPA AMERICANA. 2. Aorotis. 3. Geometha. 4. Arctia virqinica. 5. PHILAMPELUS SATELLITIA. 6. 7, 8. Undescnbed? 9. Bombyx? (undescribed). 10....