Tef 41Fig. 1. Ceremonial salutation among the aborigines of New Zealand 2. Tattooing of the same 3. Indian and his squaw from the Caroline islands 4. Dance of the .Indians...
Tef 4Aerobatic FeatsIssued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to edges well worthy of hanging for display.Sheet measures c. 11 3/4 x 9 1/4
Tef 28Fig. 1. Abyssinian costumes 2. Abyssinian travelling 3. Elephant hunting 4. Negro chief and suite 5. Negro funeral south of Coango River 6. Christian negro-women of guela 7. Negro...
Tef 23Plate 23. Fig. 1. Howard's diagram to elucidate the action the earthof the sun's rays on 360 2.3 Curvature Illustration Of Snow Alpine linesnow line 366 4-23. Forms of...
Tef 19Figs. 1. Arabian nomades 2. Bedouin camp 3 4. Arabian music and dance 5 6. Travelling in LahoreIssued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to edges...
Tef 68Fig. l.: Magnolia grandiflora 2. Illicium anisatum star anise 3. Annona squamosa annona 4. Cocculus lacunosus 5. Berberis vulgaris barberry 6. Tilia grandiflora lime tree 7. Bixa orellana arnotto...
Tef 64Fig. 1. Cynanchum vincetoxicum celan dine .... 2. Asclepias cornuti swallowwort 3. Mimusops dissecta 4. Styrax benzoin benzoin tree 5. Ledum palustre marsh tea 6. Erica fllamentosa cape heath...
Tef 40Fig. 1. War dance of the Booro islanders 2. Cock-fight on the Philippine islands 3. Making brandy on the Marian islands 4. Caroline islander 5 6. Aborigines of New...
Tef 31Fig. 1. Travelling farmer from the Rio Grande in Brazil 2. Traveller from the province of Minas 3. Brazilian planter's family driving to mass 4. Townsmen from the Brazilian...
Tef 36Fig. 1-4. Sports of Brazilian Indians 5ab. Duels and combats among the Botocudos 6. Duel among the Purvis Issued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to...
Tef 32Fig. 1. Brazil Camacans in the forest 2. Festivity of the Camacans 3. Negroes from Bahia 4. Free negro bringing up fugitive slave 5. Inhabitants of San Paulo 6....
Tef 1091. Bison americanus buffalo 2. Bos bubalus Indian buffalo 3. Rupicapra tragus chamois 4. Antilope scripta Cape-elk 5. Auchenia alpaca paco 6. Auchenia lama lama 7. Auchenia vicunna vicunna...
Tef 67Fig. 1 Acer pseudo-platanus whitemaple 2. Malpighia urens 3. Hypericum perforatum 4. Garcinia cambogia 5. Citrus medica citron 6. Thea chinensis tea plant 7. Swietenia mahogoni mahogany tree 8....
Tef 69Fig. 1. Sedum acre stonecrop 2. Saxifraga granulata stone-break 3. Cereus hexagonus six-edged cactus 4. Tamarix germanica tamarisk 5. Mesembryanthemum rubrocinctus fig-marigold Fig. 6. OEnothera biennis evening primrose 7....
Tef 1081. Camelus bactrianus two-humped camel 2. Camelus dromedarius dromedary 3. Camelopardalis girafa giraffe 4. Moschus moschiferus musk 5. Antilope dorcas gazelle 6. Antilope redunca antilope of SenegalIconographic Encyclopaedia of...
Tef 100Iconographic Encyclopaedia of Science Literature and Art by JG Heck Issued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to edges page split to edge repaired with archival...
Tef 71Fig. 1. Anacardium occidentale cashew nut 2. Rhus cotinus smoke tree 3. Pistacia terebinthus turpentine tree 4. Juglans regia English walnut 5. Euonymus europaeus spindle-tree 6. Ilex aquifolium European...
Tef 55Plate 55. Fig. 1. Potamogeton natans 2. Arum maculatum wake robin 3. Zostera marina 4. Acorus calamus 5. Typba latifolia cat-tail 6. Eriophorum angustifolium 7. Cyperus officinalis8. Saccharum officinale...
Tef 5Equestrian FeatsIssued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to edges well worthy of hanging for display.Sheet measures c. 11 3/4 x 9 1/4
Tef 22Figs. 1. 2. Clovis king of the Franks and his queen Clotilda 3. Fredegonda from her tomb 4. Childebert king of the Franks 5 6. Statues of Females from...
Tef 24Fig. 1. Chinese jugglers> 393 2. Chinese theatre .393 3. Chinese punishmentIssued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to edges well worthy of hanging for display.Sheet...
Tef 391. Ground plan of the church of St. Mary of the Manger at Bethlehem 2. Interior of the church of St. Mary of the Manger in Bethlehem with the...
Tef 28Figs. 1-21. Coats of armsIconographic Encyclopaedia of Science Literature and Art by JG Heck Issued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to edges well worthy of...
Tef 29Figs. 1-31. Coats of armsIconographic Encyclopaedia of Science Literature and Art by JG Heck Issued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to edges well worthy of...
Tef 971. Cacatua sulphurea yellow-crested cockatoo 2. Psittacus erythacus grey African parrot 3. Palseornis malaccensis Malacca parrot 4. Palaeornis alexandfi redheaded parrot 5. Psittacus melanocephalus blackheaded parrot 6. Trogon curucui...
Tef 56Fig. 1. Cocos nucifera cocoa palm 2. Phcenix dactylifera date palm 3. Sagus farinifera sago palm 4. Cycas circinalis sago tree 5. Dracaena braziliensis 6. Aloe arborescens 7. Areca...
Tef 21Costumes of Central Europe. Fig. 1. Queen Clotilda (6th century) 2. Maid of honor 3. Frankish leader 4ab. Frankish warriors 5.' King Clovis 6. Charlemagne 7 8. Prince and...
Tef 361. Hawking in France 2. Departure of crusaders for PalestineIconographic Encyclopaedia of Science Literature and Art by JG Heck Issued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning...
Tef 381. Return of crusaders from Palestine 294 2. Tournament in GermanyIconographic Encyclopaedia of Science Literature and Art by JG Heck Issued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age...
Tef 58 & 59Fig. 1. Amaryllis formosissima daffodil lily 2. Narcissus pseudo-narcissus daffodil 3. Crocus sativus saffron 4. Iris germanica iris 5. Musa paradisiaca plantain 6. Curcuma zedoaria turmeric 7....
Tef 57Fig. 1. Dracaena draco dragon's blood 2. Luzula pilosa woodrush 3. Commelyna tuberosa 4. Colchicum autumnale 5. Veratrum album sneezewort *' 6. Fritillaria imperialis crown im perial .... 7....
Gravity and Flightplate 17. Fig. 1-3. Illustrating the theory of the screw .... 4. Hunter's differential screw Fig Kg. 5-21. Plate Illustrating 17-{Continued.) the theory of strength and stress of...
Seasons of Earthplate 8.Figs. Group of stars in Hercules .1442. Do. in Aquarius 1443 4. Do. fan shaped 1445. Nebula in Ursa 1446. Do. in Gemini 1447. Do. in Leo...
Tef 1Egypt. 1. The court of the dead 2-4. Different trades 5. Agriculture 6 7. Hunting and fishing 8. Vintage 9. King in his chariot 10. King on his throne...
Tef 27Fig. 1. Egyptian Fellahs 2. Arabian dames and tents 3. Bedouins 4 5. Arabian caravan 6. Nuptial procession in CairoIssued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning...
Tef 6Fig. 12. Egyptian sphinxes 3-6. Altars 7. 8-14 Pitchers and vases 15-19. Cups and other drinking vessels 20. Bowl 21. Dipper (Simpultim) 22 Royal necklace and sceptre 23 24....
Tef 22PlaTE for observing 22. the action of terrestrial magnetism on vertical currents 347 2 3. Faraday's apparatus for observ ing the rotative action of terrestrial magnetism on horizontal currents...
Tef 241 Peculiar crystal platelization on the window of drug store. il 2. Two trees dow trained of drugon store wall only in part exposed to frost 3-6. Ice flowers...
Physical Forcesplate 16. Fig. 1. Parallelogram of forces 2. Triangle of forces 3. Polygon of forces 4. Parallelopipedon of forces 5. Centre of gravity of line it:i 17!! l-(l 1-0...
Tef 41Plate 41. Fig. 1-10. Fossil remains of Arachnida &c (Tertiary) .621 11-27. Fossils of the Jura 600 Fig. 28. Fossil Irish elk (Tertiary) 29. Deinotherium giganteum (Tert.) 30. Missourium...
Tef 40plate 40. Fig. 1-3 11-22. Fossils of the Tertiary Period .... 620 4-9. Fossils of the Rock Salt Formation 595 10. Plesiosaurus macrocephalus (Jura) 605 11-22. See 1.Iconographic Encyclopaedia...
Tef 116Fig. 1. Vulpes fulvus red fox 2. Meles vulgaris badger 3. Mustek martes marten 4. Mustela foina beech marten 5. Mustela putorius polecat 6. Putorius furo ferret 7. Putorius...
Tef 23Fig. 1. Travelling of Frankish kings in the 8th century 2. Manner of transporting wounded or sick princes in the 13lh century 3. St. Louis administering justice in the...
Tef 18Fig. 1. Gallic women of the Roman time 2-6. Bas-reliefs from Gaul 7 Sab. Gallic coins 9 10. Gallic sepulchral urns 11-39. Various Gallic trinkets and utensils 40-42. German...
Tef 105Fig. 1. Aquila chrysaetos golden eagle 2. Archibuteo niger black buzzard 3. Pandion ossifragus osprey 4. Haliaetus albicilla sea eagle 5. Astur palumbarius goshawk 6. Accipiter nisus sparrow hawk...
Tef 85Fig. 1. Morrhua vulgaris codfish 2. Merlangus vulgaris whiting 3. Raia batis skate . 4. Trachinus vividus weever 5. Blennius viviparus gutter 6. Ophiocephalus striatus ophidion 7. Mullus barbatus...
Tef 20The Tribes of the Migration. Fig. 1. Goth 2. Sueve 3. Gcpride 4. Vandal 5. Marcoman 6. Quade 7. Henilian 8. Briton 9. Frank 10. Hun 11-14. Picts 15....
Tef 7Fig. 1. Grand promenade in the Elysian Fields (Paris) 2. Festival at St. Petersburg 3. Public meeting in EnglandIssued 1857 New YorkIn VG condition or better age toning to...