
1849 Pl 9 Wood Structure - Emmons



Pl 9 Wood Structure

Fig. 1. Transverse section of a portion of two adjacent annual layers of the POPLAR(Populus tremuloides).
Fig. 2. Section perpendicular to the medullary rays.
Fig. 3. Section parallel to the medullary rays.
Fig. 4. WHITE Elder(Sambucus canadensis). Transverse section.
Fig. 5. Section perpendicular to the medullary rays.
Fig. 6. Section parallel to the medullary rays.
Fig. 7. WHITE-WOOD (Liriodendron tulipifera). Transverse section.
Fig. 8 & 9. Correspond with the former.

Lithograph, Uncolored
Sheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inches
Publisher: C Van Benthuysen, Albany
VG+ condition with toning to margins

Ebenezer Emmons (May 16, 1799 October 1, 1863), American geologist and author, with an interest in geology and fossils.

Drawn By
Ebenezer Emmons Jr , Artist and Illustrator, son to author and geologist Ebenezer Emmons (1799-1863)

Gavit & Duthie , Engraving firm of John E Gavit (1817-1874) and James Duthie (1850 - 1873?)