1849 Pl 10 Wood Structure - Emmons



Pl 10 Wood Structure

Fig. 1. Transverse section of the Walnut or Hickory. An interrupted single circle oflarge pores marks the commencement of growth of the wood. The interrupted belts indicate the direction of fine lines in the Wood. The dark lines represent the medullary rays.
Figs. 2 &. 3. Sections perpendicular and parallel to the medullary rays.
Fig. 4. White OAK (Quercus alba). Section transverse to the trunk shows, in the darker parallel lines, the structure of the medullary rays.
Fig. 5. Shows the structure of the same ray, when eut by a line tangent to its line of growth.
Fig. 6. Section parallel to the medullary ray, showing its structure as brought out by this cut.
Fig. 7. BLACK OAK. The three sections correspond to those of the White Oak.

Lithograph, Uncolored
Sheet Size 11.25 x 8.75 inches
Publisher: C Van Benthuysen, Albany
VG+ condition with toning to margins

Ebenezer Emmons (May 16, 1799 – October 1, 1863), American geologist and author, with an interest in geology and fossils.

Drawn By
Ebenezer Emmons Jr , Artist and Illustrator, son to author and geologist Ebenezer Emmons (1799-1863)

Gavit & Duthie , Engraving firm of John E Gavit (1817-1874) and James Duthie (1850 - 1873?)