FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSCeres ChrysanthemumThe Ceres is a Japanese Chrysanthemum..This beautiful lithograph with pronounced Japanese influence, is based from a nature study watercolor by Sidney Callowhill.Accompanying this print is a companion...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSChristmas Eve ChrysanthemumThe Christmas Eve is a Japanese Chrysanthemum with broad, pure white, uncurved petals. It Blooms late, just before Christmas.This beautiful lithograph with pronounced Japanese influence, is...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSCullingfordii ChrysanthemumThe rich wine colored Cullingfordii Chrysanthemum was named for a Mr Cullingford, and is a Japanese variety, which was first introduced to England, and afterward to the...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSGolden Dragon ChrysanthemumThe Golden Dragon is a purely a Japanese Chrysanthemum.This beautiful lithograph with pronounced Japanese influence, is based from a nature study watercolor by F. Schuyler Mathews.Accompanying...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSJardin des Plantes ChrysanthemumThe beautiful golden Jardin des Plantes Chrysanthemum is a Japanese variety, named for the famous Gardens in Paris.This beautiful lithograph with pronounced Japanese influence, is...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSKing of the Crimsons ChrysanthemumThe King of the Crimsons is a Japanese Chrysanthemum, whose gorgeous red color has given it a princely name.This beautiful lithograph with pronounced Japanese...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSKioto ChrysanthemumThe Kioto is a lovely gold colored Chrysanthemum and a member of the Nessima Collection.This beautiful lithograph with pronounced Japanese influence, is based from a nature study...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSLilian B. Bird ChrysanthemumThe Lilian B. Bird Chrysanthemum belongs to the Nessima Collection. Although it resembles the somewhat the form of the old Gloire Rayonnante, in color in...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSMedusa ChrysanthemumThe Medusa Chrysanthemum belongs to the Nessima Collection. The delicate ribbon like petals sometimes bend and twist about the stalk in a graceful, serpent like fashion.This beautiful...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSMoonlight ChrysanthemumThe Moonlight is a distinctly Chinese Chrysanthemum, introduced by Mr. H Waterer, of Philadelphia around 1883This beautiful lithograph with pronounced Japanese influence, is based from a nature...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSOctober Beauty ChrysanthemumThe October Beauty is a Chrysanthemum of the Neesima CollectionThis beautiful lithograph with pronounced Japanese influence, is based from a nature study watercolor by James Callowhill.Accompanying...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSPeter the Great and John Thorpe ChrysanthemumsThe John Thorpe is a Chrysanthemum, a beautiful artistic specimen of a favorite plum purple and crimson variety. The Peter the Great...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSPrincess Golden FlowerThis beautiful art nouveau lithograph titled Princess Golden Flower depicts woman with hair of golden Chrysanthemum petals.Accompanying this print is a companion poem called To One...
FERDINAND SCHUYLER MATHEWSTokio and Laciniatum ChrysanthemumsThe Tokio is a beautiful red velvet Chrysanthemum of the Japanese variety. The dainty Laciniatum Chrysanthemum came from Japan about 1859.This beautiful lithograph with pronounced...